2022 International Coastal Clean-Up

For almost 30 years, every third Saturday of September, people from around the world gather to clean up the local beaches. The Local Government Unit of Puerto Galera, through the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office, coordinated this year’s coastal clean-up activity. Barangay councils, associations, sectors, offices, and other municipality groups actively participated.

As part of Stairway’s environmental protection and awareness advocacy, more than 700 Stairway beneficiaries and their families joined the activity.

Despite heavy rains and interrupted communications, participants showed their commitment, volunteerism, and community spirit. Armed with cleaning materials, sacks for garbage collection, drinking water, and snacks, the participants collected 75 kg of garbage, mostly plastic bags and containers, within 3 km, along the beaches and river banks. This number does not reflect the final total of the municipal-wide collection.
After data is gathered and submitted, we hope the findings can support the urgent need to lessen and adequately handle plastic waste.

International Coastal Clean-up was a success. Though it is not the long-term solution to the waste disposal problem, it heightens the awareness of the people and the community to do their share to protect the Amazing Puerto Galera and conserve the Only Planet Earth we have.